We Make Clothes That

Save Lives

  • I feel your pain.

    I too am a proud gtube mom. Night time was the worst for us. Loud beeping monitors, life scares, pulled buttons, tears, tangled tubes. I've been there...

  • You've Probably Tried Everything!

    I remember trying everything, duct taping hands, tight swaddling, pajamas with special holes, bandages, you name it.

  • ....But there is a better way

    I took months and months. Trying and failing but I finally built clothes that not only protected my precious little girl but enabled my husband and I to rest at night in peace knowing she is safe.

  • This is how we do it....

    We have the most incredible pajamas, the only ones on the market that are ACTUALLY built for the safety of your child and not by some big company for better profits.... we are so confident that you will love them that we will send you one free, try it out and only pay if you LOVE it!

Who we've helped and their thoughts....


Brittany Williams

I'm so in love with this adaptive onesie I purchased from the Creator Sarah. I've never seen anything like this and I love the hidden pockets that keeps your little ones safe from being wrapped up in there cords. I have a wild sleeper! I have the hidden pocket for oxygen, pulse monitor and for his Gj tube 😄. And look at this g tube mom shirt I got that was included 😃. I just love moms that go above and beyond making adapted wear for our babies to be comfy 🫶🏽

Try One Today!


Marissa Palmer

We love them! It keeps him warm and his extension doesn't run against his leg!

Try One Today!

About our Pajama!

What began as a simple hole in the leg has evolved into a thoughtful design featuring a quilted pad that protects the G-tube button, preventing your child from pulling it out. A side pocket provides easy access to tubes with an inner lining that guides them down the leg, avoiding tangles and discomfort. Additionally, a nasal cannula anchor secures tubes along your baby's back, ensuring they don't wrap around the neck during sleep or movement. These features work together to offer peace of mind, letting both you and your little one rest easier;)

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